- Prerequisite:Native Skills 1
- Duration:6 nights
- Cost:£650
This class is designed to practice and master that learnt at Native Skills 1, as well as teaching more advanced survival skills. It also looks at the transition of moving from a survival situation towards that of Earth Living. The participants will have a chance to build their own individual shelters, whilst having the protection of being located near an established camp. The new skills covered will add to your emerging relationship with nature. Working with the natural materials of stone, wood, bone and antler etc. develops an understanding of their personalities. These six days will be a chance to totally immerse yourself in these ancient skills.
Some of the skills covered
- Advanced shelter
- Leather making, dry scrape buckskin
- Advanced fire
- Basketry Mats
- Advanced Flint Knapping
- Trapping
- Survival bow making
- Arrows
- Bone and antler
- Fish spears
- Stalking/Movement
- Camouflage
- Adhesives
- Cooking
- etc

“This course will appeal to everyone experienced or not with the outdoors.”
Greg, Race horse trainer