Woodland Wonders
There are times when words have failed me when attempting to describe the magic of the woods, leaving me frustrated that words alone are inadequate and fail to do justice. Deep in the woods, during November, is just such a time.
As the days shorten and the sunlight is less abundant it is a time of mists, gorgeous colours, dankness and leaf fall. It is astonishing to think of a mature oak shedding 250,000 , or so, leaves and in a good year, tens of thousands of acorns ! Watching a low sun struggle to burn a way through the mist and highlight the colours is just such a time when words alone are simply not enough. It can be extremely emotional and its all free!!
You really must experience it, the memory will stay with you forever. Look out for the large number of fungi that are still about, particularly if the weather is damp and mild. You wont forget the sight of the Fly Agaric in the suns rays and the Stinkhorn, well you will smell it before you see it ! Its a good time too to spot the bird life, the rapidly balding trees providing a clearer view but remember that they are getting a good view of you too. Winter visitors are arriving so a pocket guide may be useful and if you linger until dusk, or even later, then tawny owls are very vocal as pairs defend their territory.

“This course will appeal to everyone experienced or not with the outdoors.”
Greg, Race horse trainer