Spring Time Edibles
April is a magical time of year, it brings with it rejuvenated energy to take us into the summer months. I often think about what native communities must feel when spring has sprung. The long winters of eating dried meat, nuts and roots have kept them going but by the time spring is here they are looking forward to the bounty of fresh vitamin rich spring growth, that will cleanse their digestive systems.
I find April is a great time to once again get out the wild flower field guides and study the plants that are emerging and what better plants to study than the edible ones but remember to be totally sure your identification is correct!
There are so many plants to look out for in the woods;
- Nettle tops
- Violets
- Lime leaves
- Blackthorn blossom
- The shoots from roses
- Chickweed
- Cleavers
- And many more
All are great raw but are also delicious in salads and soups.

“knowing that these same skills will go global. ”
Nicky, security/martial arts instructor