- Prerequisite:None
- Duration:3days
- Cost:£270
It is only recently that human kind has developed synthetic drugs to treat illnesses, before we relied on the intimate relationship and knowledge we had of plants and minerals. Studying the medicinal properties of plants not only gives us confidence in being in Nature but also deepens our naturalist knowledge of the landscape that we inhabit and in which we choose to spend our time.
On this course we will be creating a primitive first aid kit that can be used at home or in the woods. Wild British herbs will be collected to either store or be made into salves, ointments and tinctures. During the class we will look extensively at the identification of plants, respectful and effective harvesting methods, as well as developing a communication between ourselves and the plant world.
This class will be lead by Instructor Laura Carpenter.
This is a self-catered class, tea and coffe provided.
Camping available, free of charge and for those who prefer a litle more comfort there are a variaty of local B&B’s.
Some of the skills covered
- Salves
- Ointments
- Tinctures
- Collection
- Specie Identification

“This course will appeal to everyone experienced or not with the outdoors.”
Greg, Race horse trainer