Get Sett For Summer!
The month of May is so exciting. If you haven’t got yourself into the woods so far this year, May is the perfect time! The growth of plant life is rapid, familiar winter paths and trails are transformed to deep shaded area’s full of mysterious flora and fauna to study. The woods and other wild places are filled with the excitement of birds rearing their young, animals such as hedgehogs mating and of course the drone of the newly immerged insect life. May is an exhilarating time to sleep out due to the symphony of bird song during their morning chorus.
May is when the browning blossom of blackthorn is replaced by the blooms of hawthorn. Later in the month the elder tree will grace us with the her gentle flowers that can be turned into elderflower cordial, wine and a herbal tea to help relieve the symptoms of hay fever.
There are many mammals to view this month. Bats are out of hibernation searching for breeding areas to have their young. A great May activity is watching badgers, so why not spend an evening this month studying up close these wonderful animals. Throughout the British countryside you can find many setts. Wrap up warm and at dusk locate yourself downwind from their sett and get ready to be amazed by what you will see. The direct observation of these animals will help greatly in the spotting and interpretation of the tracks and signs. If you live in an urban area you can often find badger setts. Of course a little more caution should be taken and your skills of invisibility should be employed to prevent others confusion and the possibility of you being mistaken for a burglar!

“….the Natural consciousness s course conducted by the Native Awareness team is like no other I have ever experienced . It was exactly that an Experience beyond the ordinary outdoor pursuits I have become so accustomed to…”